Chambre mezzanine SET K28 de Siloma

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Chambres à coucher en mezzanine pour filles: découvrez le modèle en mélaminé SET K28 de Siloma pour des chambres modern

Aménagez avec nous l'espace junior avec des chambres mezzanine modernes comme le modèle SET K28

If you are looking for design ideas to best design your children's room, we present the Siloma Loft Bedroom SET K28 with melamine finish. Siloma offers a rich catalog of custom accessories to combine: you will find a bed, wardrobe, desk, chairs, and bookshelves. Bring aesthetics and vibrant colors into the children's room with this proposal, one of Siloma's Loft Bedrooms for girls. When furnishing the youth's room, rely on us: in-store we present all the most original modern furnishing compositions for their room. This melamine proposal optimizes the practical qualities and aesthetic value of the bedroom, as it is capable of combining functionality and ergonomics.

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